Happy Spring Semester! Women In Cinema is back for another great semester.
We're sad to report that Payton is stepping down as Treasurer.
She was an amazing asset to the group this last semester and we'll miss dearly. Especially her sly little jokes in officer's meetings. So with that said, we'll be looking for a Treasurer. Nina has become our Secretary since Sarah Deuel slid over into the PR position thus we're looking for a new Audio/Video Technician. If you're interested in becoming an officer and working side by side with Kat Candler and some of the best female film minds of the RTF department please email utwomenincinema[at]gmail[dot]com. Being an officer is a great way to meet a lot of people and get involved.
We will be visiting classes to recruit to be apart of our organization. Be looking for us. We will be talking about what we do and what we have in store for the semester.
In the vein of what we did for Slacker 2011 (if you haven’t seen it already, here is a link to see our scene: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEXDEBcfVtc), we’ll be making a short film this summer. Must be a member to have a position and be involved. Meetings throughout the semester picking a script, workshopping, test shoots …
Don't forget to become a member. Women in Cinema Student Organization
WHAT WE'VE DONE IN THE PAST (if you don't already know):
Guest Speakers Panels
• Sandra Adair (Linklater’s Editor)
• Janet Pierson (SXSW Film Programmer)
• Beth Sepko (Emmy Winning Casting Director, Friday Night Lights, Machete, The Lying Game)
• Local Producers Alma Kuttruff, Suzanne Weinert, Susan Kirr
Camera, Lighting, Sound Workshop
• Spend a full day learning all the basics of camera, lights and sound with local professionals in a carefree, low stress environment. A good time to meet other folks in RTF and members of WIC.
Field Trips
• Austin Studios Tour
• UT Grad and Indie Spirit Award Winner - Where Soldiers Come From at the Alamo.
• There have been a lot of great stories about successful mentor/mentee relationships
• Pair upper level with lower level. Grads with undergrads and professionals in the community with students.
1st Meeting, Thursday 26th, CMA 3.124
UT Professors in Cinematography Deb Lewis and Nancy Schiesari, along with local DPs, Gaffers and Camera Operators.
Women in Cinema’s Spring Camera/Lighting/Sound Workshop, Saturday, February 4th 10am-5pm
Picturebox Studio
Please RSVP: utwomenincinema[at]gmail[dot]com